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Life After Braces: The Next Steps
Getting braces off can be extremely exciting. It feels like the end of a long chapter. You also may be thinking that you are free, but don’t be mistaken - your teeth won’t stay straight unless you follow the instructions your orthodontist gives you on how to maintain...
Maintaining Oral Health With Clear Aligners
Did you know that there are around 4 million people in the United States who are wearing braces at any given time? Of those 4 million, many of them are wearing clear aligners, otherwise known as Invisalign aligners. But with the different types of braces, there are...
Can Invisalign Fix an Open Bite?
It is hard to overestimate the value that orthodontic procedures provide for the people who receive them. Great orthodontists can help people permanently improve their comfort, health, and appearance. Maybe that is why the market for orthodontists is worth more than...
The Complete Guide to Choosing an Orthodontist: Everything to Know
A recent poll shows that 77% of women would rather have a receding hairline than a crooked smile. Also, 78% of American adults believe having crooked teeth contributes to being unsuccessful in business. This increasing self-consciousness about one’s smile is one of...
The Ultimate Guide to Orthodontics for Adults
Did you know that four out of five people who wear braces are minors? That means that 20% of people in braces are adults. Adult orthodontics are more popular than ever. Some adults worry that getting orthodontic work will make them stick out, but this is no longer...
4 Services Offered by Your Local Spanish Fork Orthodontist
People rely on orthodontists to help them enjoy a beautiful smile. This provides so much value that the market for orthodontic services in the United States alone is worth more than $12 billion every single year! On top of that, more than 83,000 people are employed in...